are the notes for Precalculus at Hutch Tech. They will only be available at the
beginning of each chapter. Files will be made available when needed. These files are
Adobe Acrobat Documents that can
be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download the document, point and
click on the link.
If you need Adobe Reader, click
If you are using Internet Explorer and get a network password authentication message, just press CANCEL. It will still load the file.
Program Description BSLOPE This program will create slope fields on your grapher (TI 84+). Download and use TI CONNECT to install. (AP Calculus Chapter 6) Right click and "Save Link as" This program will emulate a TI-84 Plus Calculator on a PC. For Mac Users click here to download
Review Websites: Click on the title of the site
old exams in all subjects are available here
old Free Response questions from 2001 - present
also: The AP Calculus catalog (PDF file) which contains sample multiple choice questions